New to Lanier Hills Church?
We are so glad you found us!
Centrally located to Gainesville, Hall County, Dawsonville, and Forsyth County, Lanier Hills Church is the perfect church for people who aren't.
We have something for everyone throughout the week!
Join us every Sunday morning at 9:30 & 11:00 AM for a time of fellowship and worship! Grab a fresh cup off hot coffee and a bagel or doughnut for a light breakfast when you arrive! Kids Ministry, Nursery and Students all have a place to meet during the 11:00 AM services on Sundays.
Kids and Students come together every Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the Lodge and Main building for a time of games & activities, teaching, worship, and free food!
More Info: Kids
More Info: Students
Adult Ministry
At Lanier Hills, we believe in having a community of people who not only go to church together, but do life together. That’s why, in lieu of a traditional Wednesday evening service, we offer Growth Groups for adults that meet various times throughout the week.
More Info
Upcoming Events for Visitors
Next Lunch is Sunday, February 2 following the 11:00AM service
If you are new to the church (or newish), we would love the opportunity to eat lunch together and get to know you.
RSVP to Sandy by calling 770-297-4673, emailing sandypinkham2@gmail.com, or indicate it on the communication card.
Please let Sandy know if you will need childcare.
Next class is Sunday, February 9 during the 11:00AM service
Are you interested in taking the next step to become a Partner at Lanier Hills? To discover what it means, sign up for this one-hour class. It will help you understand the importance of being a committed part of the LHC family and how you can join with us in carrying out the mission that God has given His church.
To register, contact Sandy by calling 770-297-4673, emailing sandypinkham2@gmail.com, or indicate it on the communication card.
What can I expect on a Sunday Morning?
Every Sunday morning you can expect a time of full-band contemporary worship, fellowship, and Biblically-sound teachings. There’s a place for every person to worship and learn directly from the word. Every last Sunday of the month, we partake in a time of Communion as a church.
What do I wear?
When you visit LHC, you will see a variety of attire. The biggest thing we want is for you to be comfortable. Most people dress in casual attire, and others dress a little nicer - just be comfortable!
How can I get connected?
Every now and then, we offer a New Comers lunch after service where visitors have lunch alongside the staff and other visitors. Check weekly announcements for the next New Comers lunch gathering! Or contact Courtney Tucker for more ways to get connected. Cell: 423-667-7091 Email: courtney.tucker9@gmail.com
Where do my kids/teens go?
Every Sunday and Wednesday, KidMin meets in the Gym/Lodge. On Sundays, Students meet in the back hallway of the main building, and on Wednesdays, they meet in the lobby of the main building. All ages are served a free meal on Wednesday evenings.
Is there something for College aged students?
YES! Every Monday night, our college ministry meets in the main building. They are very active on Instagram so be sure to follow them @lhc__college